| 1. | Digital reconstruction of analogue system for colliery auxiliary shaft hoist 煤矿电力网过电压的防范 |
| 2. | The plan of the auxiliary shaft strenching engineering during operation 矿井生产期间副井延伸工程方案 |
| 3. | Improvements of brake - clearance protector for main and auxiliary shafts winder 主副井绞车闸间隙保护装置的改进 |
| 4. | The construction in special thick clay layer in qidong coal mine auxiliary shaft 祁东矿副井井简过特厚粘土层施工 |
| 5. | Practices on rapid construction in freezing section of auxiliary shaft in suntong mine 孙疃煤矿副井冻结段快速施工实践 |
| 6. | Transformation of hoist braking system in yugong auxiliary shaft of no . 3 yangquan mine 阳泉三矿裕公井副井提升机制动系统的改造 |
| 7. | Preliminary analysis of shaft deepening through survey of auxiliary shaft at renlou coal mine 任楼煤矿副井井筒延深贯通测量浅析 |
| 8. | Back grouting and water sealing technology for mine auxiliary shaft lining in shoushan no . 1 mine 首山一矿副井井筒壁后注浆堵水技术 |
| 9. | Several new methods used in the quick - speed - project of auxiliary shaft construction in fuli coal mine 富力煤矿副井井筒快速施工的几项新技术 |
| 10. | Outside wall fast diging construction of the freezing segment of the auxiliary shaft in guqiao coal mine 顾桥矿副井井筒冻结段外壁掘砌优质快速施工 |